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21400.3.1.4234 Using Imagine for flight simulator databases
7/14/93 17:22 5/ vexar@vigs.com (Demo Development Account)
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I have a wild question for all you out there. I may be able to get the company that I work for to run Imagine for some of the modelling instead of a super-kooky/clunky Multi-Gen program by Software Systems. I was wondering
if it supported the .DXF format, how to import terrain data (DFAD, DTAD, etc), and what additional programs might be a good idea to use.
Any help would be appreciated. It is good to be back.
-Joe Solinsky
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21400.3.1.4235 Re: Essence II
7/14/93 19:03 26/ Udo K Schuermann <walrus@wam.umd.edu>
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> I just got my Essence II package in the mail today. All I can say
> is you owe to yourself to get this item! No, you owe to yourself, your
> computer, your pets, and you country to get this! It is unbelievably
> unbelievable.
I must add my voice to yours, Michael. Essence II is an essential addition
to Imagine. Anyone who spends money on Imagine and then stops short of
buying Essence is one who'd probably buy a CD-player but no CDs to play on
it. With Essence I, this makes 109 textures that can be layered, faded,
morphed, and combined in more ways than all of us together have hair on our
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Apex is definitely the best thing that has happened to Imagine
since the creation of Imagine itself. Period. (And no, I'm not mad, I'm
just delirious with the possibilities!)
As to the manual, it has indeed improved on an already excellent style, and
what's more it contains a sprinkling of humorous suggestions and comments
here and there that certainly liven things up. By the way, Steve, I'm
still looking for details on that three-letter word that's supposed to be
on page 92 ...
Essence II: If you regret buying it, it's only because you haven't got
Imagine to use it with.
._. Udo Schuermann
( ) walrus@wam.umd.edu
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21400.3.1.4238 8-bit animations
7/15/93 13:03 24/ Gary Whiteley - Amiga Shopper <drgaz@cix.compulink.co.uk>
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Dave (tinman) was asking about 8-bit Opalvision anims:
Well, I made several yesterday to test how the new Interleaved Frame
Recording system of the VLabYC digitiser holds up. They were a bit of
a strange size (306 x 228, I think) but once I'd processed them through
ADPro (using PROControl, incidentally - which is pretty good) and
converted them to 8-bit from their initial YUVN format then everything
went fine. I used RAW rather than IMAGE to save the 8-bit data (though I
can't help you with the chunk format).
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Animation build was very fast and playback smooth and quick. I'm
using OpalAnimate18.8b.
BTW - VLab's IFR is excellent! Several passes of a video tape and
you can grab as many consecutive frames as your Amiga can hold in memory
or hard drive! It should work with ANY deck, as it doesn't require any
time code or control track to locate the images - it uses a keyframe
system which identifies a particular frame (the choice of which can be a
bit random) and compares with this on each pass, building up the frame
grabs as it goes.
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21400.3.1.4239 Voice from beyond
7/15/93 05:04 9/ bostjan.troha@uni-lj.si
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Hi! I'm new here, and I hope that mine is not the only voice from Slovenia!
(I can see you saying: "Where on Earth is this Slovenia... it is Earth, isn't it..?) Well, it doesn't matter, this is not CNN's geo-quiz. I would like to know more about future version of Imagine (i.e. 3.0). What innovations will be include
d in this new version, will there be gravity, fuzzy shadows...
BTW: I work for company called TMR Studios, and we are making graphics and animations for national TV stations. Our equipment:
- three amigas 4000 and two 1200 (for controlling videowalls)
- two IV 24 graphic boards and GVP's Transcoder, TBC...
- two beta recorders
- and other stuff (like coffee machines and door bells)
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21400.3.1.4240 Imagiine 3.0
7/15/93 07:09 4/ Dana Pellerin <0005840993@mcimail.com>
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A freind of mine called Impulse yesterday and they told him that Imagine
3.0 would be shipping in 30 days. Has anyone else talked to Impulse lately?
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21400.3.1.4241 Re: Phong Shading
7/15/93 10:21 15/ Doug Kelly <dakelly@class.org>
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You can play with the Phong shading using the Make Sharp and Make Soft
functions. Just select the edges you want to change; if you want the
entire object, select ALL the edges. I believe this is covered under one
of the entries for "PHONG" in the Imagine 2.0 Manual.
This works really well. The spellbook object I uploaded has pages with
sharp edges, but the curved surface of the page is Phong shaded.
* Disclaimer: Nothing I say means anything to anyone that *
* might take it to mean something I didn't! *
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21400.3.1.4275 Thanks!
7/19/93 17:58 7/ vexar@vigs.com (Demo Development Account)
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To everyone who has given me input on converting formats and using terrain database information, I wish to thank you. Unfortunately, I do not have a very good means of doing that easily, since the list was rather long. If I have my way, there will be job openings for people with experience using the Imagine program in the near future, in the city of San Diego, CA. If you are in this city and like doing flight simulators & VR stuff, contact me, and I will give you the address to send a resume to. I wish I was in charge of hiring, but I am not very high on the heirarchy here. Heck, I don't even have voicemail.
Oh, and there was someone confused out there: Ball Systems does not make Multi-Gen, Software Systems does. IMHO, MultiGen is like the Brittish MG. It is a sports car, but it always breaks down and is impractical to use for much of anything considering its disabilities. It creates problems as a modeler. I won't deny that it has power. It is just very annoying sometimes, and it has major bugs, even though they are always sending us new updates.
SoftImage or Wavefront are my picks for SGI renderers.
-Joe Solinsky
PS: Hello to the one guy at Evans and Sutherland! I told you I worked at Ball Systems...
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21400.3.1.4276 Re: I placed my order, have you?
7/20/93 02:33 9/ kirchh@CC.UManitoba.CA
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David Ingebretsen writes:
> I just placed my order for Imagine 3.0! I guess it isn't vaporware...
I placed my order for Brilliance in April. At that point, it had long
since left the "vapourware" stage and entered the "final stages of
testing -- out by the end of the month" stage, where it has remained
ever since. I wonder which one will arrive first... :)
Evan Kirchhoff, kirchh@ccu.umanitoba.ca
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21400.3.1.4277 Siggraph get together
7/20/93 08:26 27/ Mark Thompson <mark@westford.ccur.com>
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Well Siggraph is almost a week away so I best make this announcement....
Once again, I have organized an Amiga 3D Graphics and Animation Special
Interest Group meeting at Siggraph. And once again, there is no set
agenda, just a free form exchange and interaction of people with similar
interests. Last year we viewed a variety of great demo tapes and then
moved on to discussions and some new product talk and announcements.
If you have anything to show, please bring it. I can't guarantee that we
will have video equipment because that would involve me being billed
around $150 by the convention center, but it is entirely likely that we
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will get it anyway (as we did last year). Anyway, look forward to seeing
you all, and here is the pertinent info:
Date: Wednesday, August 4
Time: 10am (we have the room till noon)
Location: Anaheim Hilton, Palos Verdes A/B
This info will also be posted at Siggraph and it will probably be best
to check there anyway because of the unlikely possibility that something
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Present. ;) (in reference to roll call, haha)
What? No kholland? Sure is a lot quieter around here these days :) Ahhh.
About 3.0 rumors: I have a friend whose sister is dating a guy that has a
distant uncle who says he heard from a reliable source that...3.0 will
have distributed rendering capabilities. Doesn't 2.0 kindof do that, one
frame here, one frame there. Oh well, thats what I heard. Maybe it will
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be true distributed rendering, with licenses for renderers, etc. Or perhapes
they were talking about Robert Cooks concept of distributed ray tracing.
That almost makes sense along with the rumors about motion blur and depth of
field. I hope you can turn it off if that is what they are doing.
I hope textures as well as IFFs will stick to polygons. It would be nice if
that moo cow could mooove his head without moooooving the texture axis for
the head.
Tom Setzer
"And of course, I'm a genius, so people are naturally drawn to my fiery
intellect. Their admiration overwhelms their envy!" - Calvin
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21400.3.1.4296 SUBSRIBE
7/21/93 11:31 2/ rons@vigs.com (Ron Suverkrop)
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please subscribe me. The correct address for subscriptions did not render any results in a week, so I am attempting to join the list this way. Appologies for the wasted bandwidth.
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"Robert A. Gougher" <RAG112@PSUVM.PSU.EDU> writes:
I too echo the concern over whether any pre-made dydle objects will be
obsolete . As these have easily taken up the most time to build for me. On
the other han d, perhaps older cycle objects can simply be converted to the
new format. (yeah right)
Increased functionality and new features come at a price. "Bones" is an
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extremely powerful animation utility that in many ways makes "Cycles"
obsolete. I doubt there will be a button push conversion for older cycle
objects, but personally, I'd rather have the free form deformation
capablility that bones promises and be stuck with re-doing my cycle
objects. I applaud Impulse that they would jump ahead and incorporate these
new concepts even though it may come at obsoleting older ways of doing
things. It is a hard decision to cut backward compatibility but sometimes,
one has to in order to move ahead and remain competitive. Computer Graphics
technology is leaping ahead leaving many behind eating dust; I don't like
the taste of dirt myself :)
David M. Ingebretsen
Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp.
Disclaimer: The content of this message in no way reflects the
opinions of my employer, nor are my actions
encouraged, supported, or acknowledged by my
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21400.3.1.4298 Hi-Res workspaces
7/21/93 13:31 5/ vexar@vigs.com (Demo Development Account)
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Hello all!
God, it is great to be on the net, isn't it? When I have a question like my subject, it is nice to know that someone has an answer.
Does Imagine/ Will Imagine support a screen resolution of around 1024x1024 for a work environment? It would be nice to hear that. I am still working on this proposal thing to get my company to use Imagine over Multi-Gen version 13 (Hi Dave Ingbertsen!!! I know you use this piece of software too.), since it seems to me that with a few 3rd party programs, $700 worth of software would replace a $100,000 MultiGen program which has huge bugs and a slow interface. Now the trick is to talking them into Vista Pro....
-JOe Solinsky
Ball Symptoms
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To fred: No, we have not been clearing the section (I've beefed it up
since I came on), there just are not that many AMIGA books to be had. I
try to order everything (and I come very close), but a few publishers are
VERY small and obscure (and they don't answer their phones). If there is
something you want and we don't have it, just ask. If they say we can't
get it, ask for Kreg (me) and I will do my damndest to get it.
"Fighting the good fight for the AMIGA...:-)"
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-- Via DLG Pro v0.995
Kreg Branden
"It is irrational for someone in a monkey suit to walk around
claiming they're not in a monkey suit. This, in effect, is what the human
species is doing."
"Relax and enjoy the show."
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21400.3.1.4435 Programming for Imagine 3Rd party
8/3/93 08:54 17/ vexar@vigs.com (Demo Development Account)
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In my neverending quest for the perfect work environment, it hamy awareness that knowing the Imagine file format would be a really nice thing
if one were to use Imagine objects and scenes in a real-time application.
Hence, to whomever it was related to Impulse that mentioned that to developers,
you would release file format information, I beseech you to do so. With this
gesture, I can guarantee that should my other efforts also succeed, you all
would be witness to a new niche for Imagine users. The simulator business. A new,
inexpensive industry standard. Better than what is on the SGIs in terms of
building objects, I would rather see Imagine storming Siggraph rather than
something like Multi-Gen.
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Again, I would like to receive this information when it is available,
or at least be assured that it can be arranged upon a purchase. This will
benefit all of us to have Imagine in a new development market.
-Joe Solinsky
Ball Systems Engineering
PS: Don't worry about David Ingbretsen being out of a job. Nothing solid, but I did line him up with my boss and he may be working here. Anyone else unemployed? (shh, Scot. I know.)
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21400.3.1.4507 Re: Speed of Imagine
8/9/93 20:01 3/ jcgarner@aug1.augsburg.edu (Joseph C Garner)
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I would be interested to know if there is any way for the Amiga and the IBM to talk to each other using imagine. For example, Is it possible to design objects on the Amiga and import the information to the IBM and render it then port the results back
to the Amiga? Hopefully using a null modem cable and some software. Any thoughts/ideas/tests/successful users?
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21400.3.1.4508 Re: Speed of Imagine
8/9/93 20:49 25/ Nikola Vukovljak <nvukovlj@ucc.su.OZ.AU>
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On Mon, 9 Aug 1993, Jeff Walkup wrote:
> Nikola Vukovljak writes:
> >
> > Anyway, I hope that a couple of you guys using Imagine PC with 33mhz or 50
> > Mhz (or 66 mhz) PC's would do me a big favour and render these images at
> > the same res. and post the times they took to render.
> Just a note: that would not be a fair comparison - 25Mhz 040 vs 33/50Mhz
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> 486. You need to find someone with a 25Mhz 486.
> Of course, if the PC you have is >25Mhz, it's probably going to be faster
> in any case.
As far as I know, the 25Mhz '040 is supposed to be as fast as a 50 Mhz DX 486.
This is the reason for my asking people to let me know how their >25Mhz
PC's compared. In any case who these days uses a 25Mhz DX ? 33Mhz is the
minimum anyway, and for 3D rendering nothing slower would be considered
with the prices of the PC's as they are.
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21400.3.1.4509 UNSUBSCRIBE
8/9/93 21:17 1/ 16BITTER@delphi.com
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